Our office will be closed on Thursday the 23rd and Friday the 24th for Thanksgiving. We will return to normal business hours on Monday the 27th.

Sedation Dentist in Louisburg Rd., North Carolina

Many times, children are too scared to receive the dental care they need. If this is the case with your child, Wells Family Dentistry may suggest conscious sedation with nitrous oxide to ensure your child’s dental treatment is free of stress.
Nitrous oxide is a colorless gas that is an effective and safe method of administering conscious sedation which means that a child will stay awake during a dental treatment but feel relaxed and happy. If your child receives conscious sedation, all of their bodily functions will remain normal when the nitrous oxide is administered and its effects will fade shortly after.

How Nitrous Oxide is Administered

Your child will inhale nitrous oxide through a small mask that will fit comfortably over their nose. The gas will be mixed with oxygen as it is administered. In only a few minutes, your child will feel a floating sensation as well as some tingling in their hands and feet, meaning the sedation is doing its job.
Once it’s clear that your child is completely relaxed, the dental treatment will begin. After the treatment, the flow of nitrous oxide will be decreased to zero while the oxygen is increased. Your child will feel normal again after they rest in their chair for a few minutes.

When Can Children Benefit From Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide can benefit your child if they are particularly frightened and anxious at the dentist. Prior to beginning any treatment, we’ll take a comprehensive medical history to ensure that nitrous oxide is a safe option for your child.
If we decide that nitrous oxide makes sense for our child, we will make sure that they are comfortable and safe and even encourage them to use their imagination so that they thoroughly enjoy their dental treatment. Once your child receives nitrous oxide, they will have a great experience at our office and won’t remember a thing after their treatment has been completed.

Contact Wells Family Dentistry Today

If you’re wondering if conscious sedation with nitrous oxide can help your child improve their oral health, we encourage you to call us today at (919) 266-5332 to schedule an appointment. We’ll evaluate your child’s medical history and let you know whether nitrous oxide is a good choice for them. Our location is conveniently located within minutes of Louisburg Rd..

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