Our office will be closed on Thursday the 23rd and Friday the 24th for Thanksgiving. We will return to normal business hours on Monday the 27th.

What Do I Do if I Cracked My Tooth?

Cracked teeth, if you’ve ever had the experience, can be painful, discomforting, and overall… not something you’d want to have happen. There are many different types of cracked teeth that lead to different symptoms. It may become painful to bite, chew, and uncomfortable to drink cold fluids. The pain may come and go, which is what may make it difficult for your dentist to locate the obstructed tooth, but either way, it’s not necessarily something you’d want to have to deal with.
So, the question is, if you cracked your tooth, what do you do?
The first step is to visit your dentist. Schedule an appointment for when’s best for you. If you’re finding yourself in excruciating pain, take advantage of the emergency services your local dentist office offers! Dental offices such as our Wells Family Dentistry in Raleigh, NC offer emergency services that allow you to make an emergency appointment that day. Seeing a dentist in a timely manner can be extremely beneficial in the treatment process, especially if you’re able to catch a fast growing infection or disease early!
To understand why your tooth may be experiencing pain due to any fractures or cracking of the teeth can best be explained through the anatomy of the tooth. From the outside in, the tooth is comprised of a hard, white outer layer called enamel. Underneath the enamel is a hard layer called dentin. Both enamel and dentin protect an inner layer of soft tissue called the pulp. The pulp is where the nerves and root of the tooth lie, and where you find your pain. So, if there’s any damage to the protective outer-layer, the pulp may lie exposed causing irritation and pain. That’s what you want to avoid.
Thankfully, due to the technology of the dental community today, there are many different types of treatments for a cracked or chipped tooth and can be anywhere from bonding to a root canal to total extraction. Seeing your dentist as soon as possible is the best step to treating your tooth, and is highly recommended. Leaving your tooth untreated and cracked could expose your root long enough for deep infection that may lead to more complex and painful procedures. So, in this specific case, prevention is key! If it’s unpreventable, act fast. Dealing with a cracked tooth on a daily basis can be bothersome and painful!

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