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Why is There an Excess of Drool Following a Tooth Extraction?


Why is There an Excess of Drool Following a Tooth Extraction?

Each and every year we assist thousands of patients with a tooth extraction. In 2021, we will relieve pain, in the form of a tooth extraction, for over 1500 total patients. This is one of the questions we get asked the most and here is the answer.

Having a tooth pulled, or extracted, can be an extremely daunting experience in itself, but dentists and doctors from all over will tell always you: the recovery process has just begun and your work is far from over. Moreover, the recovery process is just as crucial, if not more important, than the procedure itself.

Your dentist may recommend a tooth extraction for any number of reasons ranging from tooth decay to wisdom teeth erupting. When you need a tooth pulled, your body undergoes procedural trauma with symptoms that may include: swelling, bruising, bleeding, and you may need to have stitches put in. Because of this, it is extremely important to maintain cleanliness and comfort during the recovery period.

More often than not, following a tooth extraction, one of the symptoms you may experience is excessive drooling.

Excessive drooling may occur for a number of reasons. Saliva serves many functions and roles that are extremely beneficial to the cleanliness and healing process within the oral cavity. Some of the primary roles of saliva are: waste removal, a barrier and buffering agent, caries protection, and wound healing. When you undergo a procedure, such as having a tooth extracted, your body treats the area of trauma as a wound that it needs to heal. The saliva acts as a healing and disinfecting agent to naturally clean the mouth out of any unwanted agents such as blood vessels, unnecessary cells, or bacteria. Therefore, you may experience excessive drooling.

Following the procedure, it is likely that your mouth, tongue or even cheeks are extremely numb. This is caused by the local anesthetic that was injected into the gums prior to your tooth extraction that was used in order to ensure that no pain was felt during the procedure. Although, people associate an aesthetic with Novocaine directly, many dental professionals have actually swayed from using Novocaine. More often than not, a different anesthetic, very similar to the makeup of Novocaine, is used instead called Septocaine (articaine HCl and epinephrine). A very common side effect of Septocaine while numb is excessive drooling. Since there is no feeling in mouth while the anesthetic is still in effect, it can likely make it difficult to swallow as well, which may cause a pool of saliva to build up in the mouth. This can also be a contributing factor to drooling.

Many patients may notice that once numbness has worn off after a couple of hours following the procedure that any excessive drooling has ceased. Speak with your dental professional prior to your extraction about side effects of anesthetics that may be possible to best prepare yourself.

To keep the drooling at bay following your dental procedure, try these tips:

· Keep gauze pads in place as instructed by your dentist
· Swallow the saliva rather than spitting it out to avoid disrupting the clotting process
· Avoid drinking out of a straw to avoid disrupting the wound
· Use a warm compress outside the cheek
· Follow the specific instructions given to you by your healthcare professional

Be sure to know that excessive drooling following a procedure is completely normal and is a common symptom patients often experience. Typically, the buildup of saliva only lasts as long as the recovery process. If you find that you continue to drool excessively after a considerable amount of time following the procedure, contact your dentist or doctor. Hypersalivation can be caused by new medications such as the pain prescribed medications following your tooth extraction. Excessive hypersalivation can also signify that you may be drooling for another medical reason, such as an infection. It is best to have this investigated further by a professional if you notice any hypersalivation.

Commonly Asked Questions Related to a Tooth Extraction

Frequently Asked Questions About Tooth Extraction

What are the most common reasons for tooth extractions?

You may need a tooth extraction because you are experiencing tooth decay, a broken tooth, crowding, infection, or wisdom teeth that are growing improperly. We’ll be able to tell you if you are a good candidate for a tooth extraction.

What can I expect during a tooth extraction?

A tooth extraction begins with the administration of a local anesthetic, sedation, or general anesthesia so that you feel comfortable throughout the entire procedure. Then, one of our dentists may cut your gum so they can access the root of your tooth. Next, they’ll use a special tool to loosen your tooth from its socket and grasp it with a pair of sutures. Sutures may be used to close the incision if necessary.

How do I know a tooth extraction is necessary?

A tooth extraction is rarely our first treatment of choice. Instead, we view it as a last resort procedure. If you have an impacted wisdom teeth, for example, and there is no way to fix it, an extraction may be the only way to save the rest of your teeth. If your tooth sustains severe damage and a restoration isn’t an option, a tooth extraction may be necessary as well.

How do I know if my side effects warrant medical attention?

After a tooth extraction, it’s normal to experience some pain and discomfort. However, if you face any difficulty breathing, excessive bleeding, fever, swelling that worsens after a few days, a bad taste in your mouth, and/or persistent numbness or loss of feeling, call our office as soon as possible.

What should I do with my stitches?

After a tooth extraction, you may have stitches that will dissolve within a few weeks. If your stitches are not dissolvable, however, make an appointment with us so we can take them out.

2021 Tooth Extraction in Raleigh, NC

If you are in need of a tooth extraction in the Raleigh, North Carolina area, look no further than Wells Family Dental Group. We have three great locations throughout the Triangle. Our locations include Downtown Raleigh, Leesville Road and North Raleigh. If you have been informed that a tooth needs to be extracted for your own health, safety and piece of mind, contact Wells Family Dental Group today.

Read this article in Spanish here – ¿Por qué hay un exceso de baba después de una extracción dental?