Our office will be closed on Thursday the 23rd and Friday the 24th for Thanksgiving. We will return to normal business hours on Monday the 27th.

Raleigh Root Canal Emergency Dentist

Back at the dentist’s office as your dentist examines your pearly whites. He pokes and prods around the gum line, examining the oral cavity. Until, OUCH! You notice a sharp pain and inform the dentist. After further examination, he determines, you need a root canal treatment. WHAT!
Root canal treatment, normally associated with feelings of fear or uncertainty, is actually a very straightforward dental procedure that will remedy pain while saving your teeth!
Why would you need a root canal?
Root canal procedures are often recommended when there are signs of inflammation or infection in the roots of a tooth. The infection can be caused by poor dental hygiene or the neglect of cavities. If cavities are left untreated, they fester and worsen until it begins to affect the pulp area of the tooth. Once the pulp becomes infected, it can cause abscesses and immense pain. If this occurs, see a dentist immediately.
Root Canal Procedure
Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic treatment, is a very common procedure. When you undergo treatment, the dentist will remove the inflamed or infected pulp, sanitize the area of infection, and seal the space that will then be fitted for a crown or other restoration for protection.
Following the Procedure
For the initial days following the procedure, you may experience slight discomfort and sensitivity. This discomfort can be remedied with over-the-counter pain medications. However, be sure to discuss with your dentist the options for additional medication. In a few days, you’ll be pain free and ready to move on!
There is very little reason for concern when undergoing a root canal treatment. Every year, millions of teeth are treated and saved with the treatment. At Wells Family Dentistry in Raleigh, NC, we strive to serve and make you our number one priority. If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort in the oral cavity, we recommend that you contact our office immediately for the best diagnosis and treatment. We’re happy to offer emergency services to better suit your needs.

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